Class BuildBindingSitesCliqueGraph

  • public class BuildBindingSitesCliqueGraph
    extends Object
    In this code example, we can build a clique graph of binding sites in an interactions. An example of this use case is for writing inferred interactions in PSI-XML standard formats. For instance, an interaction I1 has 3 participants P1, P2 and P3. P1 has two features F1 and F2, P2 has one feature F3 and P3 has one feature F4 We know that F1 has two linked features F3 and F4, F2 binds to F3, F3 binds to F1, F4 and F2 and F4 binds to F1, F3 The clique graph would give two sets of binding features: - F1,F4,F3 - F3, F2
    Marine Dumousseau (
    • Constructor Detail

      • BuildBindingSitesCliqueGraph

        public BuildBindingSitesCliqueGraph()
    • Method Detail

      • createInteractionWithLinkedFeatures

        protected static Interaction createInteractionWithLinkedFeatures()


        a Interaction object.