Class ExperimentCloner

  • public class ExperimentCloner
    extends Object
    Utility class for cloning experiments
    Marine Dumousseau (
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExperimentCloner

        public ExperimentCloner()
    • Method Detail

      • copyAndOverrideExperimentProperties

        public static void copyAndOverrideExperimentProperties​(Experiment source,
                                                               Experiment target)
        This method will copy properties of experiment source in experiment target and will override all the other properties of Target experiment. This method will ignore interaction evidences It will set the publication but will not add this experiment to the list of experiments of the publication reported in the source experiment It will fully clone all the VariableParameters and set their experiment to the current experiment target
        source - a Experiment object.
        target - a Experiment object.
      • copyAndOverrideExperimentPropertiesAndInteractionEvidences

        public static void copyAndOverrideExperimentPropertiesAndInteractionEvidences​(Experiment source,
                                                                                      Experiment target)
        This method will copy properties of experiment source in experiment target and will override all the other properties of Target experiment. This method will also move interaction evidences from source to target It will set the publication but will not add this experiment to the list of experiments of the publication reported in the source experiment It will fully clone all the VariableParameters and set their experiment to the current experiment target
        source - a Experiment object.
        target - a Experiment object.