Class CvTermComparator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class CvTermComparator
    extends Object
    implements Comparator<CvTerm>
    comparator for CvTerms : If one CvTerm does not have any identifiers, it will only compare the short names (case insensitive). If both CvTerm objects have identifiers, it will look for exact same collection of identifiers using UnambiguousExternalIdentifierComparator and ignores all the other properties. - Two CvTerms which are null are equals - The CvTerm which is not null is before null. - If the two external identifiers are set, use UnambiguousExternalIdentifier comparator - The CvTerm without an external identifier is after the CvTerm with an identifier (do not compare short names if we have one external identifier) - When both CvTerms do not have an external identifier, it compares the short names (case insensitive) which cannot be null
    Marine Dumousseau (
    • Constructor Detail

      • CvTermComparator

        public CvTermComparator​(Comparator<Xref> identifierComparator)
        Creates a new CvTermComparator with UnambiguousExternalIdentifierComparator
        identifierComparator - a Comparator object.
    • Method Detail

      • getIdentifierComparator

        public Comparator<Xref> getIdentifierComparator()

        Getter for the field identifierComparator.

        a Comparator object.
      • compare

        public int compare​(CvTerm cvTerm1,
                           CvTerm cvTerm2)
        If one CvTerm does not have any identifiers, it will only compare the short names (case insensitive). If both CvTerm objects have identifiers, it will look for exact same collection of identifiers using UnambiguousExternalIdentifierComparator and ignores all the other properties. - Two CvTerms which are null are equals - The CvTerm which is not null is before null. - If the two external identifiers are set, use UnambiguousExternalIdentifier comparator - The CvTerm without an external identifier is after the CvTerm with an identifier (do not compare short names if we have one external identifier) - When both CvTerms do not have an external identifier, it compares the short names (case insensitive) which cannot be null
        Specified by:
        compare in interface Comparator<CvTerm>
        cvTerm1 - a CvTerm object.
        cvTerm2 - a CvTerm object.
        a int.