Class XmlParameterWrapper

    • Constructor Detail

      • XmlParameterWrapper

        public XmlParameterWrapper​(Parameter param)

        Constructor for XmlParameterWrapper.

        param - a Parameter object.
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public CvTerm getType()
        The parameter type is a controlled vocabulary term and it cannot be null. Ex: dissociation constant
        Specified by:
        getType in interface Parameter
        the parameter type
      • getUncertainty

        public BigDecimal getUncertainty()
        The uncertainty of the parameter. By default is null
        Specified by:
        getUncertainty in interface Parameter
        the uncertainty of the parameter.
      • getUnit

        public CvTerm getUnit()
        Unit of the parameter is a controlled vocabulary term. It can be null Ex: KiloDalton
        Specified by:
        getUnit in interface Parameter
        the unit
      • getValue

        public ParameterValue getValue()
        The parameter value cannot be null
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface Parameter
        the parameter value
      • getPublication

        public Publication getPublication()
        The publication where this parameter has been reported if relevant, null otherwise.
        Specified by:
        getPublication in interface ModelledParameter
        the Publication where this modelledParameter has been reported, null if no publications reported this parameter
      • setPublication

        public void setPublication​(Publication publication)
        Sets the publication of this parameter
        Specified by:
        setPublication in interface ModelledParameter
        publication - : the publication