Class BindingFeatureGraph<T extends Feature>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, org.jgrapht.Graph<T,​BindingPair<T>>, org.jgrapht.UndirectedGraph<T,​BindingPair<T>>

    public class BindingFeatureGraph<T extends Feature>
    extends org.jgrapht.graph.Pseudograph<T,​BindingPair<T>>
    A binding feature graph is a pseudograph of binding features. A pseudograph is a non-simple undirected graph in which both graph loops and multiple edges are permitted. See: It used a BindingPairFactory to generate edges between features. The feature MIComparator can be provided in the constructor if we need to override equals and hashcode generated for the features A and B
    Marine Dumousseau (
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class org.jgrapht.graph.AbstractBaseGraph

        addEdge, addEdge, addVertex, clone, containsEdge, containsVertex, degreeOf, edgeSet, edgesOf, getAllEdges, getEdge, getEdgeFactory, getEdgeSource, getEdgeTarget, getEdgeWeight, incomingEdgesOf, inDegreeOf, isAllowingLoops, isAllowingMultipleEdges, outDegreeOf, outgoingEdgesOf, removeEdge, removeEdge, removeVertex, setEdgeSetFactory, setEdgeWeight, vertexSet
      • Methods inherited from class org.jgrapht.graph.AbstractGraph

        assertVertexExist, containsEdge, removeAllEdges, removeAllEdges, removeAllEdges, removeAllVertices, toString, toStringFromSets
      • Methods inherited from interface org.jgrapht.Graph

        addEdge, addEdge, addVertex, containsEdge, containsEdge, containsVertex, edgeSet, edgesOf, getAllEdges, getEdge, getEdgeFactory, getEdgeSource, getEdgeTarget, getEdgeWeight, removeAllEdges, removeAllEdges, removeAllVertices, removeEdge, removeEdge, removeVertex, vertexSet
      • Methods inherited from interface org.jgrapht.UndirectedGraph

    • Constructor Detail

      • BindingFeatureGraph

        public BindingFeatureGraph()

        Constructor for BindingFeatureGraph.

      • BindingFeatureGraph

        public BindingFeatureGraph​(MIComparator<T> customComparator)

        Constructor for BindingFeatureGraph.

        customComparator - a MIComparator object.