Class MinimalExperimentUpdater

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ExperimentEnricher, MIEnricher<Experiment>

    public class MinimalExperimentUpdater
    extends MinimalExperimentEnricher
    Provides minimal update of experiment. - update publication using Publication enricher if not null. Will override an existing publication with the publication loaded with the fetched experiment if it is different (see DefaultCuratedPublicationComparator) - update interaction detection method using CvTerm enricher if not null. Will override an existing interaction detection method with the interaction detection method loaded with the fetched experiment if it is different (see DefaultCvTermComparator) - enrich host organism using Organism enricher if not null. Will override an existing host organism with the host organism loaded with the fetched experiment if it is different (see DefaultOrganismComparator) It will ignore all other properties of a Experiment
    Gabriel Aldam (