MinimalBioactiveEntityEnricher |
A basic minimal enricher for bioactive entities.
MinimalBioactiveEntityUpdater |
A basic minimal updater for bioactive entities.
MinimalComplexEnricher |
Minimal enricher for complexes
MinimalComplexUpdater |
Minimal updater for complexes
MinimalCuratedPublicationEnricher |
Provides minimal enrichment of curatedPublication.
MinimalCuratedPublicationUpdater |
Provides minimal update of curated Publication.
MinimalCvTermEnricher<C extends CvTerm> |
Provides minimal enrichment of cv term.
MinimalCvTermUpdater<C extends CvTerm> |
Provides minimal update of cv term.
MinimalEntityEnricher<P extends Entity,F extends Feature> |
The entity enricher is an enricher which can enrich either single participant or a collection.
MinimalEntityUpdater<P extends Entity,F extends Feature> |
The participant enricher is an enricher which can enrich either single participant or a collection.
MinimalExperimentalParticipantPoolEnricher |
The participant pool enricher is an enricher which can enrich either single participant or a collection.
MinimalExperimentalParticipantPoolUpdater |
The participant pool enricher is an enricher which can enrich either single participant or a collection.
MinimalExperimentEnricher |
Provides minimal enrichment of experiment.
MinimalExperimentUpdater |
Provides minimal update of experiment.
MinimalFeatureEnricher<F extends Feature> |
Provides minimal enrichment of feature.
MinimalFeatureEvidenceEnricher |
Provides minimal enrichment of feature evidence.
MinimalFeatureEvidenceUpdater |
Provides minimal update of feature evidence.
MinimalFeatureUpdater<F extends Feature> |
Provides minimal update of feature.
MinimalGeneEnricher |
A basic minimal enricher for genes.
MinimalGeneUpdater |
A basic minimal updater for genes.
MinimalInteractionEnricher<I extends Interaction> |
The enricher for Interactions which can enrich a single interaction or a collection.
MinimalInteractionEvidenceEnricher |
Minimal enricher for interaction evidence
MinimalInteractionEvidenceUpdater |
Minimal updater for interaction evidence
MinimalInteractionUpdater<I extends Interaction> |
The enricher for Interactions which can enrich a single interaction or a collection.
MinimalInteractorBaseEnricher<T extends Interactor> |
A basic minimal enricher for interactors.
MinimalInteractorBaseUpdater<T extends Interactor> |
A basic minimal updater for interactors.
MinimalModelledInteractionEnricher<I extends ModelledInteraction> |
Minimal enricher for modelled interactions
MinimalModelledInteractionUpdater<I extends ModelledInteraction> |
Minimal updater for modelled interaction
MinimalOntologyTermEnricher |
Provides minimal enrichment of ontologYTerm.
MinimalOntologyTermUpdater |
Provides minimal update of ontologYTerm.
MinimalOrganismEnricher |
Provides minimum enrichment of a Organism.
MinimalOrganismUpdater |
Provides minimum update of a Organism.
MinimalParticipantEnricher<P extends Participant,F extends Feature> |
The participant enricher is an enricher which can enrich either single participant or a collection.
MinimalParticipantEvidenceEnricher<P extends ParticipantEvidence> |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
MinimalParticipantEvidenceUpdater<P extends ParticipantEvidence> |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
MinimalParticipantPoolEnricher<P extends ParticipantPool,F extends Feature> |
The participant pool enricher is an enricher which can enrich either single participant or a collection.
MinimalParticipantPoolUpdater<P extends ParticipantPool,F extends Feature> |
The participant pool enricher is an enricher which can enrich either single participant or a collection.
MinimalParticipantUpdater<P extends Participant,F extends Feature> |
The participant enricher is an enricher which can enrich either single participant or a collection.
MinimalProteinEnricher |
Enriches a protein to the minimum level.
MinimalProteinUpdater |
Updates a protein to the minimum level.
MinimalPublicationEnricher |
Provides minimal enrichment of Publication.
MinimalPublicationUpdater |
Provides minimal update of Publication.
MinimalSourceEnricher |
Provides minimum enrichment of a Source.
MinimalSourceUpdater |
Provides minimum update of a Source.