Interface OntologyTermChangeListener

    • Method Detail

      • onAddedParent

        void onAddedParent​(OntologyTerm o,
                           OntologyTerm added)
        Listen to the event where a parent has been added to the object parents.
        o - : updated term
        added - : added parent
      • onRemovedParent

        void onRemovedParent​(OntologyTerm o,
                             OntologyTerm removed)
        Listen to the event where a parent has been removed from the object parents.
        o - : updated term
        removed - : removed parent
      • onAddedChild

        void onAddedChild​(OntologyTerm o,
                          OntologyTerm added)
        Listen to the event where a child has been added to the object children.
        o - : updated term
        added - : added child
      • onRemovedChild

        void onRemovedChild​(OntologyTerm o,
                            OntologyTerm removed)
        Listen to the event where a child has been removed from the object children.
        o - : updated term
        removed - : removed child
      • onDefinitionUpdate

        void onDefinitionUpdate​(OntologyTerm cv,
                                String oldDef)
        Listen to the event where the definition of a cv term has been changed. If oldDefinition is null, it means that a definition has been added to the cv term. If the definition of the cv term is null, it means that the definition of the cv term has been removed
        cv - : updated term
        oldDef - : old definition