Interface CvTermChangeListener

    • Method Detail

      • onShortNameUpdate

        void onShortNameUpdate​(CvTerm cv,
                               String oldShortName)
        Listen to the event where the shortName of a cv term has been changed.
        cv - : updated cv
        oldShortName - : old shortName
      • onFullNameUpdate

        void onFullNameUpdate​(CvTerm cv,
                              String oldFullName)
        Listen to the event where the fullName of a cv term has been changed. If oldFullName is null, it means that the fullName of the cv term has been initialised. If the current fullName of the cv term is null, it means that the fullName has been reset
        cv - : updated cv
        oldFullName - : the old fullName
      • onMIIdentifierUpdate

        void onMIIdentifierUpdate​(CvTerm cv,
                                  String oldMI)
        Listen to the event where the MI identifier of a cv term has been changed. If oldMI is null, it means that a MI identifier has been added to the cv term. If the MI of the cv term is null, it means that the MI identifier of the cv term has been removed
        cv - : updated cv
        oldMI - : the old MI
      • onMODIdentifierUpdate

        void onMODIdentifierUpdate​(CvTerm cv,
                                   String oldMOD)
        Listen to the event where the MOD identifier of a cv term has been changed. If oldMOD is null, it means that a MOD identifier has been added to the cv term. If the MOD of the cv term is null, it means that the MOD identifier of the cv term has been removed
        cv - : updated cv
        oldMOD - : the old MOD
      • onPARIdentifierUpdate

        void onPARIdentifierUpdate​(CvTerm cv,
                                   String oldPAR)
        Listen to the event where the PAR identifier of a cv term has been changed. If oldPAR is null, it means that a PAR identifier has been added to the cv term. If the PAR of the cv term is null, it means that the PAR identifier of the cv term has been removed
        cv - : updated cv
        oldPAR - : the old PAR