Interface OrganismChangeListener

    • Method Detail

      • onCommonNameUpdate

        void onCommonNameUpdate​(Organism organism,
                                String oldCommonName)
        Listen to the event where the commonName of an organism has been changed.
        organism - : updated organism
        oldCommonName - : old common name
      • onScientificNameUpdate

        void onScientificNameUpdate​(Organism organism,
                                    String oldScientificName)
        Listen to the event where the scientificName of an organism has been changed. If oldScientificName is null, it means that the scientificName of the organism has been initialised. If the current scientificName of the organism is null, it means that the scientificName has been reset
        organism - : updated organism
        oldScientificName - : old scientific name
      • onTaxidUpdate

        void onTaxidUpdate​(Organism organism,
                           String oldTaxid)
        Listen to the event where the taxid of an organism has been changed.
        organism - : updated organism
        oldTaxid - : old taxid
      • onCellTypeUpdate

        void onCellTypeUpdate​(Organism organism,
                              CvTerm oldType)
        Listen to the event where the cell type has been initialised. This event happens when an organism has a new cell type
        organism - The organism which has changed.
        oldType - a CvTerm object.
      • onTissueUpdate

        void onTissueUpdate​(Organism organism,
                            CvTerm oldType)
        Listen to the event where the organism tissue has been initialised. This event happens when a organism has a new tissue
        organism - The organism which has changed.
        oldType - a CvTerm object.
      • onCompartmentUpdate

        void onCompartmentUpdate​(Organism organism,
                                 CvTerm oldType)
        Listen to the event where the organism compartment has been initialised. This event happens when a organism has a new compartment
        organism - The organism which has changed.
        oldType - a CvTerm object.