Interface SourceChangeListener

    • Method Detail

      • onUrlUpdate

        void onUrlUpdate​(Source cv,
                         String oldUrl)
        Listen to the event where the URL of a source has been changed. If oldURL is null, it means that a url has been added to the source. If the URL of the source is null, it means that the URL of the source has been removed
        cv - a Source object.
        oldUrl - a String object.
      • onPostalAddressUpdate

        void onPostalAddressUpdate​(Source cv,
                                   String oldPostalAddress)
        Listen to the event where the postal address of a source has been changed. If oldPostalAddress is null, it means that a postal address has been added to the source. If the postal address of the source is null, it means that the postal address of the source has been removed
        cv - a Source object.
        oldPostalAddress - a String object.
      • onPublicationUpdate

        void onPublicationUpdate​(Source cv,
                                 Publication oldPublication)
        Listen to the event where the publication of a source has been changed. If oldPublication is null, it means that a publication has been added to the source. If the publication of the source is null, it means that the publication of the source has been removed
        cv - a Source object.
        oldPublication - a Publication object.