Class FeatureCloner

  • public class FeatureCloner
    extends Object
    This class will clone/copy properties of a feature
    Marine Dumousseau (
    • Constructor Detail

      • FeatureCloner

        public FeatureCloner()
    • Method Detail

      • copyAndOverrideFeatureEvidenceProperties

        public static void copyAndOverrideFeatureEvidenceProperties​(FeatureEvidence source,
                                                                    FeatureEvidence target)
        This method will copy properties of Feature source in Feature target and will override all the other properties of Target feature. Only the participant is not copied
        source - a FeatureEvidence object.
        target - a FeatureEvidence object.
      • copyAndOverrideModelledFeaturesProperties

        public static void copyAndOverrideModelledFeaturesProperties​(ModelledFeature source,
                                                                     ModelledFeature target)
        This method will copy properties of modelled Feature source in modelled Feature target and will override all the other properties of modelled Target feature. Only the participant is not copied
        source - a ModelledFeature object.
        target - a ModelledFeature object.
      • copyAndOverrideBasicFeaturesProperties

        public static void copyAndOverrideBasicFeaturesProperties​(Feature source,
                                                                  Feature target)
        This method will copy properties of Feature source in Feature target and will override all the other properties of Target feature. Only the participant is not copied
        source - a Feature object.
        target - a Feature object.