Class UnambiguousCuratedExperimentComparator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class UnambiguousCuratedExperimentComparator
    extends ExperimentComparator
    Unambiguous curated experiments comparator It will look first at the publications using a UnambiguousCuratedPublicationComparator. If the publications are the same, it will look at the interaction detection methods using UnambiguousCvTermComparator. If the interaction detection methods are the same, it will look at the host organisms using UnambiguousOrganismComparator. If the host organisms are the same, it will look at the variableParameters using UnambiguousVariableParameterComparator. This comparator will ignore all the other properties of an experiment.
    Marine Dumousseau (
    • Constructor Detail

      • UnambiguousCuratedExperimentComparator

        public UnambiguousCuratedExperimentComparator()
        Creates a new UnambiguousCuratedExperimentComparator. It will use UnambiguousCuratedPublicationComparator to compare publications, UnambiguousCvTermComparator to compare interaction detection methods and it will use UnambiguousOrganismComparator to compare host organisms.