Class UnambiguousInteractionEvidenceComparator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class UnambiguousInteractionEvidenceComparator
    extends InteractionEvidenceComparator
    Unambiguous InteractionEvidenceComparator. It will first compare the basic interaction properties using UnambiguousInteractionBaseComparator. It will then compares the IMEx identifiers if both IMEx ids are set. If at least one IMEx id is not set, it will compare the negative properties. A negative interaction will come after a positive interaction. it will compare the experiment using UnambiguousExperimentComparator. If the experiments are the same, it will compare the participants using UnambiguousParticipantEvidenceComparator. Then it will compare the parameters using UnambiguousParameterComparator. If the parameters are the same, it will first compare the experimental variableParameters using VariableParameterValueSetComparator and then it will compare the inferred boolean value (Inferred interactions will always come after).
    Marine Dumousseau (
    • Constructor Detail

      • UnambiguousInteractionEvidenceComparator

        public UnambiguousInteractionEvidenceComparator()
        Creates a new UnambiguousInteractionEvidenceComparator. It will use a UnambiguousInteractionBaseComparator to compare basic interaction properties, UnambiguousParameterComparator to compare parameters, UnambiguousExperimentComparator to compare experiments