Class DefaultModelledParticipantComparator

  • public class DefaultModelledParticipantComparator
    extends Object
    Default biological participant comparator. It will compare the basic properties of a biological participant using DefaultParticipantBaseComparator. It will compare features using DefaultModelledFeatureComparator. If the participant is a modelledParticipantPool, it will use DefaultModelledParticipantPoolComparator. This comparator will ignore all the other properties of a biological participant.
    Marine Dumousseau (
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultModelledParticipantComparator

        public DefaultModelledParticipantComparator()
    • Method Detail

      • areEquals

        public static boolean areEquals​(ModelledParticipant bioParticipant1,
                                        ModelledParticipant bioParticipant2,
                                        boolean checkComplexesAsInteractors)
        It will compare the basic properties of a biological participant using DefaultParticipantBaseComparator. It will compare features using DefaultModelledFeatureComparator. If the participant is a modelledParticipantPool, it will use DefaultModelledParticipantPoolComparator. This comparator will ignore all the other properties of a biological participant.
        bioParticipant1 - a ModelledParticipant object.
        bioParticipant2 - a ModelledParticipant object.
        checkComplexesAsInteractors - a boolean.
        true if the two components are equal