Class BibRef

    • Constructor Detail

      • BibRef

        public BibRef()

        Constructor for BibRef.

      • BibRef

        public BibRef​(Xref identifier)

        Constructor for BibRef.

        identifier - a Xref object.
      • BibRef

        public BibRef​(Xref identifier,
                      String imexId,
                      Source source)

        Constructor for BibRef.

        identifier - a Xref object.
        imexId - a String object.
        source - a Source object.
      • BibRef

        public BibRef​(String pubmed)

        Constructor for BibRef.

        pubmed - a String object.
      • BibRef

        public BibRef​(String pubmed,
                      String imexId,
                      Source source)

        Constructor for BibRef.

        pubmed - a String object.
        imexId - a String object.
        source - a Source object.
      • BibRef

        public BibRef​(String title,
                      String journal,
                      Date publicationDate)

        Constructor for BibRef.

        title - a String object.
        journal - a String object.
        publicationDate - a Date object.
      • BibRef

        public BibRef​(String title,
                      String journal,
                      Date publicationDate,
                      String imexId,
                      Source source)

        Constructor for BibRef.

        title - a String object.
        journal - a String object.
        publicationDate - a Date object.
        imexId - a String object.
        source - a Source object.
    • Method Detail

      • setPubmedId

        public void setPubmedId​(String pubmedId)
        Sets the pubmed identifier. It will remove the previous pubmed identifier from the collection of identifiers, and add the new one in the collection of identifiers with qualifier identity. If pubmedId is null, it will remove all the pubmed identifiers from the collection of identifiers.
        Specified by:
        setPubmedId in interface Publication
        pubmedId - : pubmed identifier
      • setDoi

        public void setDoi​(String doi)
        Sets the doi. It will remove the previous doi from the collection of identifiers, and add the new one in the collection of identifiers with qualifier identity. If doi is null, it will remove all the doi from the collection of identifiers.
        Specified by:
        setDoi in interface Publication
        doi - : DOI identifier
      • assignImexId

        public void assignImexId​(String identifier)
        Assign an IMEx id to a publication. It will add a Xref imex with qualifier imex-primary to the list of xrefs.
        Specified by:
        assignImexId in interface Publication
        identifier - : the IMEx id from IMEx central
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(String title)
        Set the publication title
        Specified by:
        setTitle in interface Publication
        title - : publication title
      • setJournal

        public void setJournal​(String journal)
        Set the journal where the publication has been published
        Specified by:
        setJournal in interface Publication
        journal - : the journal
      • setPublicationDate

        public void setPublicationDate​(Date date)
        Set the date of publication.
        Specified by:
        setPublicationDate in interface Publication
        date - : publication date
      • setCurationDepth

        public void setCurationDepth​(CurationDepth curationDepth)
        Set the curation depth of the publication. If the curation depth is null, it should set the cuuration depth to CurationDepth.undefined
        Specified by:
        setCurationDepth in interface Publication
        curationDepth - : the curation depth
      • setReleasedDate

        public void setReleasedDate​(Date released)
        Set the released date of the curated publication
        Specified by:
        setReleasedDate in interface Publication
        released - : the released date
      • setSource

        public void setSource​(Source source)
        Sets the source who curated the publication.
        Specified by:
        setSource in interface Publication
        source - : source for this publication
      • addExperiment

        public boolean addExperiment​(Experiment exp)
        This method will add the experiment and set the publication of the new experiment to this current publication
        Specified by:
        addExperiment in interface Publication
        exp - : experiment to add
        true if experiment is added to the list of experiments
      • removeExperiment

        public boolean removeExperiment​(Experiment exp)
        This method will remove the experiment and set the publication of the removed experiment to null.
        Specified by:
        removeExperiment in interface Publication
        exp - : experiment to remove
        true if experiment is removed from the list of experiments
      • addAllExperiments

        public boolean addAllExperiments​(Collection<? extends Experiment> exps)
        This method will add all the experiments and set the publication of the new experiments to this current publication
        Specified by:
        addAllExperiments in interface Publication
        exps - : experiments to add
        true if experiments are added to the list of experiments
      • removeAllExperiments

        public boolean removeAllExperiments​(Collection<? extends Experiment> exps)
        This method will remove the experiments and set the publication of the removed experiments to null.
        Specified by:
        removeAllExperiments in interface Publication
        exps - : experiments to remove
        true if experiments are removed from the list of experiments
      • sourceLocation

        public Locator sourceLocation()
        Specified by:
        sourceLocation in interface com.sun.xml.bind.Locatable
      • toString

        public String toString()


        Specified by:
        toString in interface FileSourceContext
        toString in class Object
        the file source context as a String. If the source locator is not null, it should give the source locator properties
      • initialiseAnnotationWrapper

        protected void initialiseAnnotationWrapper()


      • initialiseExperiments

        protected void initialiseExperiments()
