AbstractPsiXmlInteraction<T extends Participant> |
Abstract class for xml interactions implementing ExtendedPsiXmlInteraction interface
AbstractPsiXmlInteraction.JAXBInferredInteractionWrapper |
AbstractXmlAnnotation |
Xml implementation of an Annotation
The JAXB binding is designed to be read-only and is not designed for writing
AbstractXmlBasicInteraction |
Xml implementation of interaction
AbstractXmlBasicInteraction.JAXBParticipantWrapper |
AbstractXmlComplex |
Xml implementation for complex
AbstractXmlConfidence |
abstract Xml implementation of confidence
AbstractXmlCvTerm |
Abstract cv term
AbstractXmlCvTerm.JAXBAttributeWrapper |
AbstractXmlEntity<F extends Feature> |
Abstract class for XmlEntity
AbstractXmlEntity.JAXBFeatureWrapper<F extends Feature> |
AbstractXmlExperiment |
Xml im
AbstractXmlExperiment.JAXBAttributeWrapper |
AbstractXmlExperiment.JAXBConfidenceWrapper |
AbstractXmlExperiment.JAXBHostOrganismWrapper |
AbstractXmlExperiment.JAXBVariableParameterWrapper |
AbstractXmlFeature<P extends Entity,F extends Feature> |
Abstract class for Xml features
AbstractXmlFeature.JAXBAttributeWrapper |
AbstractXmlFeature.JAXBRangeWrapper |
AbstractXmlInteraction<T extends Participant> |
Abstract class for xml interactions
AbstractXmlInteraction.JAXBAttributeWrapper |
AbstractXmlInteraction.JAXBParticipantWrapper<T extends Participant> |
AbstractXmlInteractionEvidence |
Xml implementation of InteractionEvidence
AbstractXmlInteractionEvidence.JAXBConfidenceWrapper |
AbstractXmlInteractionEvidence.JAXBExperimentWrapper |
AbstractXmlInteractionEvidence.JAXBParameterWrapper |
AbstractXmlInteractionEvidence.JAXBParticipantWrapper |
AbstractXmlInteractor |
The Xml implementation of Interactor
AbstractXmlInteractor.JAXBAttributeWrapper |
AbstractXmlModelledInteraction |
Xml implementation of ModelledInteraction
AbstractXmlModelledInteraction.JAXBConfidenceWrapper |
AbstractXmlModelledInteraction.JAXBExperimentWrapper |
AbstractXmlModelledInteraction.JAXBParameterWrapper |
AbstractXmlModelledInteraction.JAXBParticipantWrapper |
AbstractXmlParameter |
Abstract Xml implementation of Parameter
AbstractXmlParticipant<I extends Interaction,F extends Feature> |
Abstract class for XmlParticipant
AbstractXmlParticipant.JAXBAttributeWrapper |
AbstractXmlParticipant.JAXBInteractorCandidateWrapper<I extends Interaction,F extends Feature,P extends ParticipantCandidate> |
AbstractXmlParticipantPool<I extends Interaction,F extends Feature,P extends ParticipantCandidate> |
Abstract class for XML Participant pool
AbstractXmlPosition |
Abstract class for XmlPosition
AbstractXmlSource |
Desciption of the source of the entry, usually an organisation
AbstractXmlSource.JAXBAttributeWrapper |
Availability |
A text describing the availability of data, e.g.
BibRef |
Xml implementation of a Publication
BibRef.JAXBAttributeWrapper |
ComplexNamesContainer |
A container for aliases, shortname and fullname
The JAXB binding is designed to be read-only and is not designed for writing
CvTermXrefContainer |
Container for both xrefs and identifiers in a CvTerm
DefaultAvailability |
A text describing the availability of data, e.g.
DefaultXmlAnnotation |
Xml implementation of an Annotation
The JAXB binding is designed to be read-only and is not designed for writing
DefaultXmlBasicInteraction |
Xml implementation of interaction
DefaultXmlComplex |
Xml implementation for complex
DefaultXmlExperiment |
Xml im
DefaultXmlInteractionEvidence |
Xml implementation of InteractionEvidence
DefaultXmlInteractor |
The Xml implementation of Interactor
DefaultXmlModelledInteraction |
Xml implementation of ModelledInteraction
DefaultXmlSource |
Desciption of the source of the entry, usually an organisation
ExperimentalCvTerm |
This elements is controlled by the PSI-MI controlled vocabulary
"experimentalPreparation", root term id MI:0346.
ExperimentalCvTerm.JAXBExperimentRefWrapper |
ExperimentalInteractor |
Java class for experimentalInteractor complex type.
ExperimentalInteractor.JAXBExperimentRefWrapper |
ExperimentXrefContainer |
Xref container for Experiment
FeatureXrefContainer |
Xref container for Feature
HostOrganism |
The experiment/participant host organism
HostOrganism.JAXBExperimentRefWrapper |
InferredInteraction |
Java class for inferredInteraction complex type.
InferredInteraction.JAXBExperimentRefWrapper |
InferredInteractionParticipant |
Participant of the inferred interaction.
InteractionXrefContainer |
Xref container for interactions
InteractorXrefContainer |
Xref container for interactors
NamesContainer |
A container for aliases, shortname and fullname
The JAXB binding is designed to be read-only and is not designed for writing
PublicationXrefContainer |
Xref container for a Publication
XmlAlias |
Xml implementation of an Alias.
XmlAllostery<T extends AllostericEffector> |
XML implementation of Allostery
XmlAnnotation |
Xml implementation of an Annotation
The JAXB binding is designed to be read-only and is not designed for writing
XmlBasicInteraction |
Xml implementation of interaction
XmlBasicInteractionComplexWrapper |
Wrapper of basic interactions
If we add new modelled participants/remove participants, they will be added/removed from the list of participants of the
wrapped interaction.
XmlBioactiveEntity |
Xml implementation of BioactiveEntity
XmlComplex |
Xml implementation of ModelledInteraction
XmlConfidence |
Xml implementation of confidence
XmlConfidence.JAXBExperimentRefWrapper |
XmlConfidenceWrapper |
A wrapper for confidences
XmlCooperativityEvidence |
Xml implementation for cooperativity evidence
XmlCvTerm |
Xml implementation of CvTerm.
XmlExperiment |
Xml im
XmlExperimentalParticipantCandidate |
Xml implementation of ParticipantEvidence
XmlExperimentalParticipantCandidate.JAXBFeatureWrapper |
XmlExperimentalParticipantCandidateWrapper |
Wrapper for Xml participants candidates
Addeding new modelled feature to this participant will not add new feature evidences to the wrapped participant evidence as they are incompatibles.
XmlExperimentalParticipantPool |
Xml implementation of participant pool
XmlExperimentalParticipantPoolWrapper |
Wrapper for Xml participants pools
Addeding new modelled feature to this participant will not add new feature evidences to the wrapped participant evidence as they are incompatibles.
XmlFeature |
Simple Xml implementation of a Feature
XmlFeatureEvidence |
Xml implementation of a Feature
XmlFeatureEvidence.JAXBExperimentRefWrapper |
XmlFeatureEvidence.JAXBParameterWrapper |
XmlFeatureEvidenceWrapper |
Xml wrapper for feature evidences.
XmlFeatureModificationEffector |
Xml implementation of feature modification effector
XmlFeatureWrapper |
Xml wrapper for basic features
XmlGene |
Xml implementation of a Gene
XmlInteractionEvidence |
Xml implementation of InteractionEvidence
XmlInteractionEvidenceComplexWrapper |
Xml wrapper for interaction evidences used as complex
XmlInteractor |
The Xml implementation of Interactor
XmlInteractorPool |
Xml implementation for InteractorSet
XmlInterval |
Xml implementation of a position which is an interval
The JAXB binding is designed to be read-only and is not designed for writing
XmlModelledConfidence |
Xml implementation of ModelledConfidence
XmlModelledFeature |
The xml implementation of a modelledFeature
XmlModelledInteraction |
Xml implementation of ModelledInteraction
XmlModelledInteractionComplexWrapper |
Wrapper for complexes that were loaded as abstract interactions
XmlModelledParameter |
Xml implementation of ModelledParameter
XmlModelledParticipant |
XML implementation of ModelledParticipant
XmlModelledParticipant.JAXBFeatureWrapper |
XmlModelledParticipant.JAXBInteractorCandidatesWrapper |
XmlModelledParticipantCandidate |
XML implementation of ModelledParticipantCandidate
XmlModelledParticipantCandidate.JAXBFeatureWrapper |
XmlModelledParticipantPool |
Xml implementation of participant pool
XmlMolecule |
Xml implementation of molecule
XmlMoleculeEffector |
XML implementation of allosteric molecule effector
XmlNucleicAcid |
Xml implementation of Nucleic acid
XmlOpenCvTerm |
Xml implementation of CvTerm.
XmlOrganism |
Xml implementation of an organism
XmlParameter |
Xml implementation of Parameter
XmlParameterWrapper |
Xml parameter wrapper
XmlParticipant |
Xml implementation of a simple participant
XmlParticipant.JAXBFeatureWrapper |
XmlParticipantCandidateWrapper |
Wrapper for XmlParticipantCandidate so it implements ModelledParticipantCanidate
XmlParticipantEvidence |
Xml implementation of ParticipantEvidence
XmlParticipantEvidence.JAXBConfidenceWrapper |
XmlParticipantEvidence.JAXBExperimentalInteractorWrapper |
XmlParticipantEvidence.JAXBExperimentalPreparationWrapper |
XmlParticipantEvidence.JAXBExperimentalRoleWrapper |
XmlParticipantEvidence.JAXBFeatureWrapper |
XmlParticipantEvidence.JAXBHostOrganismWrapper |
XmlParticipantEvidence.JAXBInteractorCandidatesWrapper |
XmlParticipantEvidence.JAXBParameterWrapper |
XmlParticipantEvidence.JAXBParticipantIdentificationWrapper |
XmlParticipantEvidenceWrapper |
Wrapper for Xml participants
Addeding new modelled feature to this participant will not add new feature evidences to the wrapped participant evidence as they are incompatibles.
XmlParticipantPoolWrapper |
Wrapper for XmlParticipant
XmlParticipantWrapper |
Wrapper for XmlParticipant
XmlPolymer |
Xml implementation of Polymer
XmlPosition |
Xml implementation of a simple Position
The JAXB binding is designed to be read-only and is not designed for writing
XmlPreAssembly |
Xml implementation of preassembly
XmlProtein |
Xml implementation of protein
XmlRange |
Xml implementation of Range
The JAXB binding is designed to be read-only and is not designed for writing
XmlResultingSequence |
Xml implementation of resulting sequence for XML 2.5
XmlSource |
Desciption of the source of the entry, usually an organisation
XmlStoichiometryRange |
Xml 2.5 implementation of stoichiometry range values
XmlVariableParameter |
XML 2.5 implementation of variable parameter
XmlVariableParameter.JAXBVariableValueWrapper |
XmlVariableParameterValue |
XML 2.5 implementation of variable parameter value
XmlXref |
Refers to a unique object in an external database.
XmlXref.JAXBAttributeWrapper |
XrefContainer |
Xref container in XML implementation
The JAXB binding is designed to be read-only and is not designed for writing