Class UniprotProteinFetcher

    • Constructor Detail

      • UniprotProteinFetcher

        public UniprotProteinFetcher()

        Constructor for UniprotProteinFetcher.

    • Method Detail

      • getSelectedDatabases

        public Map<,​CvTerm> getSelectedDatabases()

        Getter for the field selectedDatabases.

        a Map object.
      • setSelectedDatabases

        public void setSelectedDatabases​(Map<,​CvTerm> selectedDatabases)

        Setter for the field selectedDatabases.

        selectedDatabases - a Map object.
      • fetchByIdentifier

        public Collection<Protein> fetchByIdentifier​(String identifier)
                                              throws BridgeFailedException
        Takes a string identifier and returns the interactors which match. Returns an empty collection of no entries are returned

        Takes the various type of uniprot protein identifier and uses the uniprotJAPI to retrieve the matching proteins.

        Specified by:
        fetchByIdentifier in interface InteractorFetcher<Protein>
        identifier - The identifier to search for.
        The proteins which match the search term. Empty if no matches.
        BridgeFailedException - A problem has been encountered when contacting the service
      • fetchByIdentifiers

        public Collection<Protein> fetchByIdentifiers​(Collection<String> identifiers)
                                               throws BridgeFailedException
        Takes a collection of string identifiers and returns the interactors which match. Returns an empty collection of no entries are returned.

        Takes the various type of uniprot protein identifier and uses the uniprotJAPI to retrieve the matching proteins.

        Specified by:
        fetchByIdentifiers in interface InteractorFetcher<Protein>
        identifiers - The identifiers to search for.
        The proteins which match the search term. Empty if no matches.
        BridgeFailedException - if any.