Interface Protein

    • Method Detail

      • getUniprotkb

        String getUniprotkb()
        The unique uniprot Accession which identifies the protein. It can be null if the protein is not in the UniprotKb database and the sequence should be provided in such a case. It is a shortcut which should point to the first uniprotkb identifier in the collection of identifiers. Ex: P12345, P12345-1
        the uniprot AC
      • setUniprotkb

        void setUniprotkb​(String ac)
        Sets the uniprot accession for this protein. It will remove the old uniprotkb identifier from the collection of identifiers and replace it with the new uniprokb identifier. If the new uniprotkb identifier is null, all the existing uniprotkb identifiers will be removed from the collection of identifiers
        ac - : the uniprot accession
      • getRefseq

        String getRefseq()
        The unique refseq identifier which identifies the protein and its sequence. It can be null if the protein does not have a unique refseq identifier and in such a case, all the refseq identifiers should go in the alternative identifiers set for this interactor. It is a shortcut which should point to the first refseq identifier in the collection of identifiers. Ex: NP_001065289.1
        the refseq identifier
      • setRefseq

        void setRefseq​(String ac)
        Sets the unique refseq identifier for this protein. It will remove the old refseq identifier from the collection of identifiers and replace it with the new refseq identifier. If the new refseq identifier is null, all the existing refseq identifiers will be removed from the collection of identifiers
        ac - : refseq identifier
      • getGeneName

        String getGeneName()
        The gene name of a protein. It can be null if it is not known It is a shortcut which should point to the first gene name in the collection of aliases. Ex: BRCA2
        the gene name
      • setGeneName

        void setGeneName​(String name)
        Sets the gene name. It will remove the old gene name from the collection of aliases and replace it with the new gene name. If the new gene name is null, all the existing gene names will be removed from the collection of aliases
        name - : gene name
      • getRogid

        String getRogid()
        The rogid for this protein which can be null if the protein does not have a sequence. This checksum is based on the sequence and source organism of a protein It is a shortcut which should point to the first rogid identifier in the collection of checksums. Ex: u1FCes02jPb3CGRj1aDkzpbSiuI9606
        the rogid
      • setRogid

        void setRogid​(String rogid)
        Sets the rogid. It will remove the old rogid from the collection of checksums and replace it with the new rogid. If the new rogid is null, all the existing rogid will be removed from the collection of checksums
        rogid - : rogid