Interface CsvParserListener

    • Method Detail

      • onMismatchBetweenPeptideAndLinkedPositions

        void onMismatchBetweenPeptideAndLinkedPositions​(List<CsvRange> peptidePositions,
                                                        List<CsvRange> linkedPositions)
        Event fired when the number of peptide positions is greater than one and is not the same as the number of linked positions
        peptidePositions - : peptide positions in protein sequence
        linkedPositions - : linked feature positions relative to peptide positions
      • onMismatchBetweenRangePositionsAndProteins

        void onMismatchBetweenRangePositionsAndProteins​(List<CsvRange> rangePositions,
                                                        List<CsvProtein> proteins)
        Event fired when the number of range positions is superior to 1 and the number of proteins is also superior to 1 but does not match the number of ranges
        rangePositions - : feature ranges
        proteins - : proteins
      • onInvalidProteinIdentifierSyntax

        void onInvalidProteinIdentifierSyntax​(String[] identifiers,
                                              int lineNumber,
                                              int columnNumber)
        Event fired when we don't find protein xrefs with db|uniprotId|name
        identifiers - : the identifiers
        lineNumber - a int.
        columnNumber - a int.
      • onMissingProtein1Column

        void onMissingProtein1Column​(int lineNumber)
        Event fired when the column Protein1 is missing or empty
        lineNumber - : line number