Class MIFileParserCompositeListener<T extends MIFileParserListener>

    • Constructor Detail

      • MIFileParserCompositeListener

        public MIFileParserCompositeListener()

        Constructor for MIFileParserCompositeListener.

    • Method Detail

      • onSyntaxWarning

        public void onSyntaxWarning​(FileSourceContext context,
                                    String message)
        Listen to an event fired when the syntax of the file is valid but the content is not expected or some information may be lost.
        Specified by:
        onSyntaxWarning in interface MIFileParserListener
        context - : file context
        message - : warning message
      • onMissingCvTermName

        public void onMissingCvTermName​(CvTerm term,
                                        FileSourceContext context,
                                        String message)
        Listen to an event fired when a CvTerm is read and does not have any names. At least a shortname is expected for each CvTerm so such a term may be loaded with an automatically generated shortname.
        Specified by:
        onMissingCvTermName in interface MIFileParserListener
        term - : cv without name
        context - : file context
        message - : error message
      • onMissingInteractorName

        public void onMissingInteractorName​(Interactor interactor,
                                            FileSourceContext context)
        Listen to an event fired when an interactor is read and does not have any names. At least a shortname is expected for each interactor so such an interactor may be loaded with an automatically generated shortname.
        Specified by:
        onMissingInteractorName in interface MIFileParserListener
        interactor - : interactor without name
        context - : file context
      • onParticipantWithoutInteractor

        public void onParticipantWithoutInteractor​(Participant participant,
                                                   FileSourceContext context)
        Listen to en event fired when a Participant is read and no interactor details has been provided. In such a case, the interactor can be automatically generated as an unknown interactor
        Specified by:
        onParticipantWithoutInteractor in interface MIFileParserListener
        participant - : participant without interactor
        context - : file context
      • onInteractionWithoutParticipants

        public void onInteractionWithoutParticipants​(Interaction interaction,
                                                     FileSourceContext context)
        Listen to an event fired when an interaction is read and does not have any participants. The interaction may be loaded as an empty interaction.
        Specified by:
        onInteractionWithoutParticipants in interface MIFileParserListener
        interaction - : interaction without participants
        context - : file context
      • onInvalidOrganismTaxid

        public void onInvalidOrganismTaxid​(String taxid,
                                           FileSourceContext context)
        Listen to an event fired when an organism does not have a valid taxid (positive integer or -1, -2, -3, -4, -5)
        Specified by:
        onInvalidOrganismTaxid in interface MIFileParserListener
        taxid - : invalid taxid
        context - : file context
      • getDelegates

        public List<T> getDelegates()

        Getter for the field delegates.

        a List object.