Interface ResultingSequence

    • Method Detail

      • getNewSequence

        String getNewSequence()
        The resulting sequence portion. It can be null if we provide a valid Xref to a variant database such as dbSNP.
        The resulting sequence portion as a String
      • getOriginalSequence

        String getOriginalSequence()
        The original sequence portion. It can be null if we provide a valid Xref to a variant database such as dbSNP.
        The original sequence portion.
      • getXrefs

        <X extends XrefCollection<X> getXrefs()
        The collection of external database cross-references for this resulting sequence portion. It cannot be null so if the ResultingSequence does not have any Xrefs, the method should return an empty collection
        Type Parameters:
        X - a X object
        The collection of xrefs for this resultingSequence object
      • setNewSequence

        void setNewSequence​(String sequence)
        Sets the new sequence of this object
        sequence - : new sequence
      • setOriginalSequence

        void setOriginalSequence​(String sequence)
        Sets the original sequence of this object
        sequence - : original sequence