Class InteractorCloner

  • public class InteractorCloner
    extends Object
    Cloner for interactors
    Marine Dumousseau (
    • Constructor Detail

      • InteractorCloner

        public InteractorCloner()
    • Method Detail

      • copyAndOverrideBasicInteractorProperties

        public static void copyAndOverrideBasicInteractorProperties​(Interactor source,
                                                                    Interactor target)
        This method will copy properties of interactor source in interactor target and will override all the other properties of Target interactor.
        source - a Interactor object.
        target - a Interactor object.
      • copyAndOverrideBasicPolymerProperties

        public static void copyAndOverrideBasicPolymerProperties​(Polymer source,
                                                                 Polymer target)


        source - a Polymer object.
        target - a Polymer object.
      • copyAndOverrideBasicInteractorPoolProperties

        public static void copyAndOverrideBasicInteractorPoolProperties​(InteractorPool source,
                                                                        InteractorPool target)


        source - a InteractorPool object.
        target - a InteractorPool object.
      • copyAndOverrideComplexProperties

        public static void copyAndOverrideComplexProperties​(Complex source,
                                                            Complex target,
                                                            boolean createNewParticipant,
                                                            boolean ignoreParticipants)
        This method will copy properties of complex source in complex target and will override all the other properties of Target complex. This method does not copy the
        source - a Complex object.
        target - a Complex object.
        createNewParticipant - If true, this method will clone each participant from source instead of reusing the participant instances from source. It will then set the interactionEvidence of the cloned participants to target
        ignoreParticipants - If true, this method will clone the interaction properties and ignore the participants of the source
      • copyAndOverrideBasicComplexPropertiesWithInteractionProperties

        public static void copyAndOverrideBasicComplexPropertiesWithInteractionProperties​(Interaction source,
                                                                                          Complex target)
        This method will copy basic properties from the Interaction source in the complex target. It will erase existing annotations, xrefs, checksums and identifiers This method does not copy the participants of the source
        source - a Interaction object.
        target - a Complex object.
      • copyAndOverrideBasicComplexPropertiesWithModelledInteractionProperties

        public static void copyAndOverrideBasicComplexPropertiesWithModelledInteractionProperties​(ModelledInteraction source,
                                                                                                  Complex target)
        This method will copy basic properties from the Interaction source in the complex target. This method does not copy the participants of the source
        source - a ModelledInteraction object.
        target - a Complex object.