Interface ModelledInteraction

    • Method Detail

      • getInteractionEvidences

        <I extends InteractionEvidenceCollection<I> getInteractionEvidences()
        Interaction evidences supporting this modelled interaction. The collection cannot be null. If the modelled interaction does not have experimental interactions attached to it, the method should return an empty set
        Type Parameters:
        I - an I object
        the collection of experimental evidences
      • getSource

        Source getSource()
        The source which reported this modelled interaction. It can be an organization, institute, ... It can be null if the source is unknown or not relevant. Ex: IntAct, MINT, DIP, ...
        the source
      • setSource

        void setSource​(Source source)
        Sets the source reporting the interaction.
        source - : source for this interaction
      • getModelledConfidences

        <C extends ModelledConfidenceCollection<C> getModelledConfidences()
        The confidences in this interaction. The Collection cannot be null. If the interaction does not have any confidences, the method should return an empty Collection. Ex: author based scores, statistical confidences, ...
        Type Parameters:
        C - a C object
        the confidences
      • getModelledParameters

        <P extends ModelledParameterCollection<P> getModelledParameters()
        Collection of numerical parameters for this interaction. The set cannot be null. If the interaction does not have any parameters, the method should return an empty Collection. Ex: IC50, ...
        Type Parameters:
        P - a P object
        the parameters
      • getCooperativeEffects

        <C extends CooperativeEffectCollection<C> getCooperativeEffects()
        The collection of cooperative effects associated with this modelledInteraction. The collection cannot be null. If the ModelledInteraction does not have any cooperative effects, this method should return an empty collection.
        Type Parameters:
        C - a C object
        the collection of cooperative effects for this modelled interaction
      • getEvidenceType

        CvTerm getEvidenceType()
        The evidence type for this modelled interactions. Usually this Cv term is ECO (evidence code ontology) code. It can be null. Ex: ECO:0000021, physical interaction evidence
        the evidence type
      • setEvidenceType

        void setEvidenceType​(CvTerm eco)
        Sets the evidence type
        eco - : the evidence type