Class AllosteryComparator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    UnambiguousAllosteryComparator, UnambiguousExactAllosteryComparator

    public class AllosteryComparator
    extends Object
    implements Comparator<Allostery>
    Basic comparator for Allostery It will first compare basic cooperative effect properties using CooperativeEffectBaseComparator. Then, it will compare the allosteric effector types : - molecule effector types always come first - if both allosteric effector are molecule effectors, it will use MoleculeEffectorComparator to compare them - if both allosteric effector are feature modification effectors, it will use FeatureModificationEffectorComparator to compare them Then, it will compare the allosteric mechanisms using AbstractCvTermComparator Then, it will compare the allostery type using AbstractCvTermComparator Finally, it will compare the allosteric molecule using ModelledParticipantComparator
    Marine Dumousseau (