Class FullCvTermUpdater<C extends CvTerm>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    CvTermEnricher<C>, MIEnricher<C>

    public class FullCvTermUpdater<C extends CvTerm>
    extends FullCvTermEnricher<C>
    Provides full update of cv term. - update minimal properties of CvTerm. See MinimalCvTermUpdater for more details - update xrefs of CvTerm. It will add missing xrefs and remove all existing xrefs that are not in the fetched CvTerm using DefaultXrefComparator - update synonyms of CvTerm. It will add missing synonyms and remove all existing synonyms that are not in the fetched CvTerm using DefaultAliasComparator - update annotations of CvTerm. It will add missing annotations and remove all existing annotations that are not in the fetched CvTerm using DefaultAnnotationComparator
    Gabriel Aldam (