Class MinimalCvTermEnricher<C extends CvTerm>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    CvTermEnricher<C>, MIEnricher<C>
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    FullCvTermEnricher, MinimalCvTermUpdater

    public class MinimalCvTermEnricher<C extends CvTerm>
    extends AbstractMIEnricher<C>
    implements CvTermEnricher<C>
    Provides minimal enrichment of cv term. - enrich fullname of CvTerm if not set. It will not override any existing fullName with the one loaded from the fetched CvTerm - enrich identifiers of CvTerm. It will only add missing identifiers and not remove any existing identifiers using DefaultXrefComparator It will ignore all other properties of a CvTerm
    Gabriel Aldam (
    • Constructor Detail

      • MinimalCvTermEnricher

        public MinimalCvTermEnricher​(CvTermFetcher<C> cvTermFetcher)
        A constructor matching super.
        cvTermFetcher - The fetcher to initiate the enricher with. If null, an illegal state exception will be thrown at the next enrichment.