Class MinimalProteinUpdater

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    InteractorEnricher<Protein>, MIEnricher<Protein>, ProteinEnricher
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class MinimalProteinUpdater
    extends AbstractInteractorUpdater<Protein>
    implements ProteinEnricher
    Updates a protein to the minimum level. As an updater, some data may be overwritten in the protein being enriched. See description of minimal update in AbstractInteractorUpdater If the protein remapper is not null and the enricher cannot find a uniprot identifier, it will remap to uniprot using the proteinMapper. In case of dead uniprot entries, it will move the dead uniprot identifier to the xrefs and add a qualifier 'uniprot-removed-ac' and add a caution in the annotations. If the remapping is successfull, it will remove any cautions left because of dead entry and set the uniprot identifier of the protein The protein fetcher is require to enrich proteins
    Gabriel Aldam (