Class MinimalPublicationEnricher

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    MIEnricher<Publication>, PublicationEnricher
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    FullPublicationEnricher, MinimalPublicationUpdater

    public class MinimalPublicationEnricher
    extends AbstractMIEnricher<Publication>
    implements PublicationEnricher
    Provides minimal enrichment of Publication. - enrich identifiers (pubmed, doi, etc.) of a publication. It will use DefaultXrefComparator to compare identifiers and add missing identifiers without removing any existing identifiers. - enrich authors of a publication. It will add all missing authors but will not remove any existing authors - enrich publication date. It will only enrich the publication date if it is not already set in the publication to enrich. It will not override any existing publication date It will ignore all other properties of a publication
    Gabriel Aldam (