Interface NucleicAcid

    • Method Detail

      • getDdbjEmblGenbank

        String getDdbjEmblGenbank()
        The unique DDBJ/EMBL/GemBank identifier which identifies the nucleic acid. It can be null if it is not known and in such a case, the sequence should be provided. It is a shortcut which should point to the first DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank identifier in the collection of identifiers.
        the DDBJ/EMBL/GemBank identifier
      • setDdbjEmblGenbank

        void setDdbjEmblGenbank​(String id)
        Sets the DDBJ/EMBL/GemBank identifier. It will remove the old DDBJ/EMBL/GemBank identifier from the collection of identifiers and replace it with the new DDBJ/EMBL/GemBank identifier. If the new DDBJ/EMBL/GemBank identifier is null, all the existing DDBJ/EMBL/GemBank identifiers will be removed from the collection of identifiers
        id - : DDBJ/EMBL/GemBank identifier
      • getRefseq

        String getRefseq()
        The unique Refseq identifier which identifies the nucleic acid. It can be null if it is not known and in such a case, the sequence should be provided. It is a shortcut which should point to the first refseq identifier in the collection of identifiers.
        the DDBJ/EMBL/GemBank identifier
      • setRefseq

        void setRefseq​(String id)
        Sets the Refseq identifier. It will remove the old refseq identifier from the collection of identifiers and replace it with the new refseq identifier. If the new refseq identifier is null, all the existing refseq identifiers will be removed from the collection of identifiers
        id - : Refseq identifier