Interface VariableParameter

    • Method Detail

      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        A short description of this variableParameter such as PMA treatment, cell cycle, ... It cannot be null.
        the short description for this variableParameter
      • setDescription

        void setDescription​(String description)
        Sets the short description of this parameter.
        description - : description
        IllegalArgumentException - when description is null
      • getUnit

        CvTerm getUnit()
        The unit of the variableParameter if relevant. It is a controlled vocabulary term and can be null if not relevant
        the unit
      • setUnit

        void setUnit​(CvTerm unit)
        Sets the unit of this variableParameter.
        unit - : unit
      • getVariableValues

        <V extends VariableParameterValueCollection<V> getVariableValues()
        The collection of values for this variableParameter in a specific experiment. The collection cannot be null. If the VariableParameter does not have any values, this method should return an empty collection.
        Type Parameters:
        V - a V object
        the collection of values for this variableParameter in a specific experiment
      • getExperiment

        Experiment getExperiment()
        The experiment where this variableParameter has been used. It can be null if the variableParameter is not attached to any experiments
        the experiment where this variableParameter has been used
      • setExperiment

        void setExperiment​(Experiment experiment)
        Sets the experiment for this variableParameter
        experiment - : experiment to set
      • setExperimentAndAddVariableParameter

        void setExperimentAndAddVariableParameter​(Experiment experiment)
        Sets the experiment for this variableParameter and add this variableParameter to the list of variableParameters of this experiment. If experiment is null, remove the variableParameter from the previous experiment attached to this variableParameter
        experiment - : experiment to set