Class AbstractXmlCvTerm

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractXmlCvTerm

        public AbstractXmlCvTerm()

        Constructor for AbstractXmlCvTerm.

      • AbstractXmlCvTerm

        public AbstractXmlCvTerm​(String shortName)

        Constructor for AbstractXmlCvTerm.

        shortName - a String object.
      • AbstractXmlCvTerm

        public AbstractXmlCvTerm​(String shortName,
                                 String miIdentifier)

        Constructor for AbstractXmlCvTerm.

        shortName - a String object.
        miIdentifier - a String object.
      • AbstractXmlCvTerm

        public AbstractXmlCvTerm​(String shortName,
                                 String fullName,
                                 String miIdentifier)

        Constructor for AbstractXmlCvTerm.

        shortName - a String object.
        fullName - a String object.
        miIdentifier - a String object.
      • AbstractXmlCvTerm

        public AbstractXmlCvTerm​(String shortName,
                                 Xref ontologyId)

        Constructor for AbstractXmlCvTerm.

        shortName - a String object.
        ontologyId - a Xref object.
      • AbstractXmlCvTerm

        public AbstractXmlCvTerm​(String shortName,
                                 String fullName,
                                 Xref ontologyId)

        Constructor for AbstractXmlCvTerm.

        shortName - a String object.
        fullName - a String object.
        ontologyId - a Xref object.
    • Method Detail

      • setShortName

        public void setShortName​(String name)
        Set the short name
        Specified by:
        setShortName in interface CvTerm
        name - : short name
      • setFullName

        public void setFullName​(String name)
        Set the full name
        Specified by:
        setFullName in interface CvTerm
        name - : full name
      • setMIIdentifier

        public void setMIIdentifier​(String mi)
        Sets the PSI-MI identifier. It will remove the previous PSI-MI identifier from the collection of identifiers, and add the new one in the collection of identifiers with qualifier identity. If mi is null, it will remove all the psi-mi identifiers from the collection of identifiers.
        Specified by:
        setMIIdentifier in interface CvTerm
        mi - : mi identifier
      • setMODIdentifier

        public void setMODIdentifier​(String mod)
        Sets the PSI-MOD identifier. It will remove the previous PSI-MOD identifier from the collection of xrefs, and add the new one in the collection of identifiers with qualifier identity. If mod is null, it will remove all the psi-mod identifiers from the collection of identifiers.
        Specified by:
        setMODIdentifier in interface CvTerm
        mod - : mod identifier
      • setPARIdentifier

        public void setPARIdentifier​(String par)
        Sets the PSI-PAR identifier. It will remove the previous PSI-PAR identifier from the collection of xrefs, and add the new one in the collection of identifiers with qualifier identity. If par is null, it will remove all the psi-par identifiers from the collection of identifiers.
        Specified by:
        setPARIdentifier in interface CvTerm
        par - : par identifier
      • sourceLocation

        public Locator sourceLocation()
        Specified by:
        sourceLocation in interface com.sun.xml.bind.Locatable
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • toString

        public String toString()


        Specified by:
        toString in interface FileSourceContext
        toString in class Object
        the file source context as a String. If the source locator is not null, it should give the source locator properties
      • initialiseAnnotationWrapper

        protected void initialiseAnnotationWrapper()
