Interface CachedFetcher

    • Method Detail

      • initialiseCache

        void initialiseCache()
        Initialises the cache with default settings.
      • initialiseCache

        void initialiseCache​(String settingsFile)
        Initialises the cache with the settings in the file at the location.
        settingsFile - The path of a file with the settings for an EHCache
      • clearCache

        void clearCache()
        Clears the contents of the cache.
      • shutDownCache

        void shutDownCache()
        Shuts the cache down.
      • getFromCache

        Object getFromCache​(String key)
        Fetch an element from the cache with a given key
        key - a String object.
        a Object object.
      • storeInCache

        void storeInCache​(String key,
                          Object data)
        Stores a given object in the cache with a key
        key - a String object.
        data - a Object object.