Interface ParticipantEvidence

    • Method Detail

      • getExperimentalRole

        CvTerm getExperimentalRole()
        The experimental role of the participant. It is a controlled vocabulary term and cannot be null. It the experimental role role of a participant is not known or not relevant, the method should return unspecified role (MI:0499) Ex: bait, prey, ...
        the experimental role
      • setExperimentalRole

        void setExperimentalRole​(CvTerm expRole)
        Sets the experimental role. If expRole is null, it should create a unspecified role (MI:0499)
        expRole - : experimental role
      • getIdentificationMethods

        <C extends CvTermCollection<C> getIdentificationMethods()
        The identification methods for this participant. Each identification method is a controlled vocabulary term. The collection cannot be null. If the participant does not have any identification methods, this method should return an empty collection Ex: western blot, immunostaining, ...
        Type Parameters:
        C - a C object
        the participant identification method
      • getExperimentalPreparations

        <C extends CvTermCollection<C> getExperimentalPreparations()
        The experimental preparations for this participant. Each experimental preparation is a controlled vocabulary term. The Collection cannot be null. If the participant does not have any experimental preparations, the method should return an empty Collection. Ex: engineered, cDNA library, ...
        Type Parameters:
        C - a C object
        the experimental preparations.
      • getExpressedInOrganism

        Organism getExpressedInOrganism()
        The organisms in which the participant has been expressed. It can be null if not relevant or same as the original source organism of the interactor Ex: human-hela cells, ...
        the expressed in organism
      • setExpressedInOrganism

        void setExpressedInOrganism​(Organism organism)
        Sets the expressed in organism
        organism - : expressed in organism
      • getConfidences

        <C extends ConfidenceCollection<C> getConfidences()
        The confidences for this participant. The Collection cannot be null. If the participant does not have any confidences, the method should return an empty Collection. Ex: author based scores, statistical confidences, ...
        Type Parameters:
        C - a C object
        the confidences
      • getParameters

        <P extends ParameterCollection<P> getParameters()
        Numerical parameters associated with this participant. The Collection cannot be null. If the participant does not have any parameters, the method should return an empty Collection.
        Type Parameters:
        P - a P object
        the parameters