Interface MIFileDataSource

    • Field Detail


        static final Pattern URL_PREFIX_REGEXP
        Constant URL_PREFIX_REGEXP
    • Method Detail

      • getFileParserListener

        MIFileParserListener getFileParserListener()
        The MIFileParserListener can be null if not initialised
        the file parser listener that listen to the different parsing events
      • validateSyntax

        boolean validateSyntax()
                        throws MIIOException
        Validate the syntax of this MIFileDataSource. It returns true if the file syntax is valid, false otherwise. When the file syntax is invalid, the syntax errors are fired and should be retrieved using a proper MIFileParserListener
        a boolean.
        MIIOException - if any.
      • validateSyntax

        boolean validateSyntax​(MIFileParserListener listener)
                        throws MIIOException
        Validate the syntax of this MIFileDataSource and uses the provided MIFileParserListener to listen to the events. The provided listener will be set as the MIFileParserListener of this datasource
        listener - : the listener for parsing events
        true if the file syntax is valid
        MIIOException - : if some severe syntax errors are found in the file and it stops the parsing