AbstractEntity<F extends Feature> |
Abstract class for Entity
AbstractFeature<P extends Entity,F extends Feature> |
Abstract class for Feature
AbstractInteraction<T extends Participant> |
Abstract class for interactions
AbstractParticipant<I extends Interaction,F extends Feature> |
Abstract class for Participant
AbstractParticipantCandidate<P extends ParticipantPool,F extends Feature> |
Abstract class for participant candidate
AbstractParticipantPool<I extends Interaction,F extends Feature,P extends ParticipantCandidate> |
Abstract class for Participant pool
DefaultAlias |
Default implementation of Alias.
DefaultAllostery<T extends AllostericEffector> |
Default implementation for Allostery
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the Allostery object is a complex object.
DefaultAnnotation |
Default implementation for Annotation.
DefaultBioactiveEntity |
Default implementation for bioactive entity
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the BioactiveEntity object is a complex object.
DefaultCausalRelationship |
Default implementation for CausalRelationship
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the CausalRelationship object is a complex object.
DefaultChecksum |
Default implementation for Checksum
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to be consistent with UnambiguousChecksumComparator
DefaultComplex |
Default implementation for complexes
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the Complex object is a complex object.
DefaultConfidence |
Default implementation for Confidence
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to be consistent with UnambiguousConfidenceComparator
DefaultCooperativeEffect |
Default implementation for CooperativeEffect
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the CooperativeEffect object is a complex object.
DefaultCooperativityEvidence |
Default implementation for CooperativityEvidence
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to be consistent with UnambiguousCooperativityEvidenceComparator
DefaultCvTerm |
Default implementation for CvTerm
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to be consistent with UnambiguousCvTermComparator
DefaultExperiment |
Default implementation for Experiment
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the Experiment object is a complex object.
DefaultExperimentalParticipantCandidate |
Default implementation of experimental participant candidate
DefaultExperimentalParticipantPool |
Default implementation of ExperimentalParticipantPool
DefaultFeature |
Default implementation for feature
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the Feature object is a complex object.
DefaultFeatureEvidence |
Default implementation for FeatureEvidence
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the FeatureEvidence object is a complex object.
DefaultFeatureModificationEffector |
Default implementation for FeatureModificationEffector
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the FeatureModificationEffector object is a complex object.
DefaultGene |
Default implementation for gene
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the Gene object is a complex object.
DefaultInteraction |
Default implementation for interaction
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the interaction object is a complex object.
DefaultInteractionEvidence |
Default implementation for InteractionEvidence
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the InteractionEvidence object is a complex object.
DefaultInteractor |
Default implementation for Interactor
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the Interactor object is a complex object.
DefaultInteractorPool |
Default implementation for interactor pool
DefaultModelledConfidence |
Default implementation for ModelledInteraction
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to be consistent with UnambiguousConfidenceComparator
DefaultModelledFeature |
Default implementation for ModelledFeature
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the ModelledFeature object is a complex object.
DefaultModelledInteraction |
Default implemntation for ModelledInteraction
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the ModelledInteraction object is a complex object.
DefaultModelledParameter |
Default implementation for ModelledParameter
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to be consistent with UnambiguousParameterComparator
DefaultModelledParticipant |
Default implementation for ModelledParticipant
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the ModelledParticipant object is a complex object.
DefaultModelledParticipantCandidate |
Default implementation of modelled participant candidate
DefaultModelledParticipantPool |
Default implementation of ParticipantPool
DefaultMolecule |
The default implementation for a molecule
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the molecule object is a complex object.
DefaultMoleculeEffector |
Default implementation for MoleculeEffector
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the MoleculeEffector object is a complex object.
DefaultNamedExperiment |
Default implementation for NamedExperiment.
DefaultNamedInteraction |
Default implementation for Named interaction
DefaultNamedInteractionEvidence |
Default implementation for Named InteractionEvidence
DefaultNamedModelledInteraction |
Default implementation of Named modelled interaction
DefaultNamedModelledParticipant |
Default implementation of Named modelled participant
DefaultNamedParticipant |
Default implementation of named participant.
DefaultNamedParticipantEvidence |
Default implementation of named participant evidence
DefaultNucleicAcid |
Default implementation for NucleicAcid.
DefaultOntologyTerm |
Default implementation for ontology term
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to be consistent with UnambiguousCvTermComparator
DefaultOrganism |
Default implementation for organism
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to be consistent with UnambiguousOrganismComparator
DefaultParameter |
Default implementation for Parameter
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to be consistent with UnambiguousParameterComparator
DefaultParticipant |
Default implementation for participant
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the participant object is a complex object.
DefaultParticipantCandidate |
Default implementation of participant candidate
DefaultParticipantEvidence |
Default implementation for ParticipantEvidence
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the ParticipantEvidence object is a complex object.
DefaultParticipantPool |
Default implementation of ParticipantPool
DefaultPolymer |
Default implementation for Polymer
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the Polymer object is a complex object.
DefaultPosition |
Default implementation for Position
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to be consistent with UnambiguousPositionComparator
DefaultPreassemby |
Default implementation for Preassembly
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the Preassembly object is a complex object.
DefaultProtein |
Default implementation for proteins and peptides
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the Protein object is a complex object.
DefaultPublication |
Default implementation for a Publication
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have NOT been overridden because the Publication object is a complex object.
DefaultRange |
Default implementation for Range
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to be consistent with UnambiguousRangeAndResultingSequenceComparator
DefaultResultingSequence |
Default implementation for ResultingSequence
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to be consistent with ResultingSequenceComparator
DefaultSource |
Default implementation for Source
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to be consistent with UnambiguousCvTermComparator
DefaultStoichiometry |
Default implementation for stoichiometry
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to be consistent with StoichiometryComparator
DefaultVariableParameter |
Default implementation for variableParameters
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to be consistent with UnambiguousVariableParameterComparator
DefaultVariableParameterValue |
Default implementation for variableValue.
DefaultVariableParameterValueSet |
Default implementation for VariableParameterValueSet
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to be consistent with VariableParameterValueSetComparator
DefaultXref |
Default implementation for Xref
Notes: The equals and hashcode methods have been overridden to be consistent with UnambiguousXrefComparator